Painted on Wood/ Nirmal Painting of Nizamabad, Telangana

Arts, Painting

Painted on Wood/ Nirmal Painting of Nizamabad, Telangana

Nirmal Paintings are special paintings that use wood as the medium instead of canvas and/ or paper. Nitrocellulose colours (synthetic) and a special gold powder are also used. Practitioners of this craft are also found in Nizamabad, Telangana. Teakwood rippers are first used to form a frame on which the oil-tempered hard board is fixed. After this sawdust paper is used to rub the surface of the board to make it smooth.

The smooth surface is then coated with primer and allowed to dry; this gives the board a better grip. After drying, a coat of Ducor lappam is applied to the board. Once it dries the surface is again  rubbed to further smoothen it.

This becomes the background on to which colours like black, brown, yellow are applied depending on the subject.
