India InCH Address Directory lists over 54,000+ craftspeople, weavers and traditional artists working across India in over 2500+ crafts.
Why Subscribe This comprehensive list is ideal for those who wish to contact, meet, buy from, design, develop, research or simply get in touch with craftspeople directly – without traders, without intermediaries. This Address Directory can be accessed only by those who register for the service.
About the Directory You can search by craft name, place (State/UT), gender, craft category, keyword, by those awarded recognition, or by a combination of these criteria
However before subscribing please note: Over 87% of handloom weavers live and work in rural areas (NCAER Census 2009-10); this percentage is similar for other craftspeople and traditional artists. Thus we recommend that the best way to contact them is to travel to locations indicated in the directory. In this list about 20,000+ craftspeople have mobile numbers listed these numbers are sometimes inaccessible for reasons of poor connectivity or a lapsed recharge. While updation is weekly this is a ground reality.


You can access this directory by subscribing. The Introductory Offer subscription is for only US$ 50 or Indian Rs. 2999(+GST). For this amount you can access the list for six months.
For subscription/payments
Fill in New Subscriptions Form. Click Submit. You will be directed to payment page.
Proceed to pay: Credit/Debit, Net banking, Wallet, UPI.
Once the payment is successful use your login details and access India InCH
If you have any issues please email us at [email protected].
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