Andretta Pottery & Craft Society, The


Andretta Pottery & Craft Society, The

Andretta Pottery & Craft Society, The

Vill & P.O. Andretta
Teh. Palampur, Vill & P.O. Andretta
Teh. Palampur
176 103
Distt: Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
Tel: 91-1894-254243, 253090, 254248
[email protected]
, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
India 176 103

M: 91-1894-254243, 253090, 254248

E: [email protected]

W: org-website

The Society and Rural Marketing Centre was set up in 1984 with a grant from All India Handicrafts Board, New Delhi. It is, presently, involved with two groups:-

1. The Pottery and Village Potters.
2. Women Woolworkers of Andretta.
Projects main focus is on giving marketing support to crafts persons of the area like weavers, potters etc.

Languages: Himachali, Hindi & Punjabi. Short Name: ANDR