R.   Chattopadhyay

R. Chattopadhyay

R. Chattopadhyay

Dr. R. Chattopadhyay is Professor at the Department of Textile Technology, Indian Institute of Technology IIT Delhi. He is also an alumnus of this institute. He is involved in teaching, research, consultancy and organizing courses for industry and academia. His area of expertise is staple fibre spinning, quality & process control , industrial ropes and product design. He has guided 8 doctoral and 52 master thesis and has about 75 research papers in national and international Journals. He is member of The Textile Institute UK and The Institution of Engineers, India. He is member of International Advisory Board for Journal of Textile Engineering, Japan and Chairman Consulting editor for the Journal of Institution of Engineers. He is a regular reviewer of papers published in Journal of Textile Institute (UK), Textile Research Journal (USA), Indian Journal for Fibre and Textile Research. His current research interest are Structure – property – performance relationship in yarns, ropes and cordage, Textile product design and pressure garments.