Budithi village’s local population is engaged in producing truly beautiful Brassware using a unique alloying technique. Brassware made in Budithi village comes in a wide variety of forms, from contemporary to very traditional. This art style is expressed in the traditional utensils used mostly for cooking as well as other modern objects such as planters and pans. The artefacts include a variety of geometrical forms of curves and straight lines. Floral designs are often used by certain artists to add a decorative aspect to the attractive objects. The artisans are especially skilled at combining the appropriate alloys.

For many decades, the craft of producing brassware artefacts has been studied here. Budithi Brassware art is distinguished by slender necks that exude an elegant elegance, and these exquisitely shaped pieces are regarded as brilliant. This art form includes flower pots, utensils, planters, and a variety of decoration items. The artisans who work with this brassware often make temple bells, different sized lamps, and other objects. Furthermore, Hindus regard brass objects as suitable for sacred and divine purposes. These are also increasingly being produced for utility reasons, although others tend to gift them as souvenirs and to decorate the interiors of coffee shops, art galleries, and so on.

